Happy December!

By Katrina Holden | December 2, 2024

The world is changing faster than ever before, and as women, we are being called to rise, to evolve, and to step into something bigger. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it. If you’ve felt that pull, whether it’s a whisper or a roar, trust yourself and know it’s time to pause, reflect, and realign with your next steps as we move into 2025.

Autumn is a great time to recharge, rediscover and thrive!

By Katrina Holden | October 4, 2024

I used to live in Perth, Western Australia.  I was right on the coast and that part of Perth was built on sand dunes, meaning the hills were extremely steep.  My daily workouts consisted of running along the beach and biking up and down those steep hills.  And there was a particular hill that I wanted to conquer.  First time I got a quarter of the way up before the wheels on my bike simply stopped turning.  Eventually I made it half way up only this time when the wheels stopped turning I didn’t have any strength left in my legs and I fell off and just lay there too exhausted to get up.  Eventually after a few weeks of failure, I made it to the top of that damned hill.  And, once conquered, I could never allow myself to not bike to the top.  

David Beckham once told me…

By Katrina Holden | August 6, 2024

I used to live in Perth, Western Australia.  I was right on the coast and that part of Perth was built on sand dunes, meaning the hills were extremely steep.  My daily workouts consisted of running along the beach and biking up and down those steep hills.  And there was a particular hill that I wanted to conquer.  First time I got a quarter of the way up before the wheels on my bike simply stopped turning.  Eventually I made it half way up only this time when the wheels stopped turning I didn’t have any strength left in my legs and I fell off and just lay there too exhausted to get up.  Eventually after a few weeks of failure, I made it to the top of that damned hill.  And, once conquered, I could never allow myself to not bike to the top.  

You are exuberant!

By Katrina Holden | July 1, 2024

Let’s talk about your nagging, bullying voice that can derail you and keep you quiet. If you’re afraid to pick up the phone and sell your services, your business will not grow. If you’re too anxious to stand up and present to a room full of people, or you can’t voice your opinion to your boss, your pathway to success is going to be slow and painful.

Let’s celebrate your first 6 months of the year

By Katrina Holden | June 3, 2024

What are you celebrating this June? Can you believe it’s June already? I can’t – it only seems like yesterday I was planning my year of work commitments and personal adventures.  And then I look up and we’re half way through the year.   So this month’s newsletter is dedicated to slowing down – even…


By Katrina Holden | March 4, 2024

IF YOU WANT GREATER SUCCESS – HARNESS THE POWER OF HOW YOU WANT TO FEEL! When was the last time you stopped to reflect on what truly drives you? Amidst the hustle and bustle of daily tasks and bottom-line goals, there lies a profound truth: our feelings shape our outcomes. If you’ve been a long-time…

Feck Everything And Run

By Katrina Holden | March 4, 2024

What is fear anyway? … FEAR – that’s what it stands for right?  F&ck Everything And Run OK – maybe it means False Evidence Appearing Real.  But, let’s face it – when we feel it – we all want to run, hide away or just plain give up.   Click to get rid of your fear NOW  And…

Are we nearly there yet?

By Katrina Holden | March 4, 2024

We’re very close my friends. You can feel it in the air… right? If you’re starting to feel winter will never end, you’re not alone. Winter can be a challenging season for many of us, but it’s also a time of reflection and introspection as we explored in our January and February blog. It’s a…

Are you walking your talk?

By Katrina Holden | January 9, 2024

This is another one from the archives – it’s so funny to look back on my old videos – in this one I’m sharing some great tips on finding your courage to walk your talk. Enjoy! I ask the question because it isn’t always easy to walk your talk.  It’s far easier to tell others…

As the Bay City Rollers famously said…

By Katrina Holden | January 9, 2024

Now this is an oldie but a goodie and well worth a read and listen – even if it’s just to check out the fabulous hair back in 2015… I’ve written such great content over the years that seems to have fallen into the void so this year I shall be bringing it back out…