... better together!

Over the last 13 years Kat has coached and mentored women from across the globe to become the vital leaders they were always destined to be.

She has helped her clients break through barriers, get the promotions, secure the salaries and benefits, and realise their true potential. As they've uncovered their genius, and discovered their powerful voices, they've learned to succeed at the game of life without burning out.

"I can't think of anyone better to talk about resilience!  Your amazing coaching skills combined with your own life experience give you such credibility on the subject.  I won't hesitate to recommend you!"

Lisa Jenner | Director at Rubicon Change Ltd

Women choose to work with Kat because she gets it. She's lived and loved the corporate world. She's done blue chip and fast-growing start-up. She knows how it all feels and what its reality is really like. She's an exceptional coach, with expertise across modern psychology, and she has years of executive coaching experience.  Most of all, she understands there is no 'one formula fits all' and every client is coached as an individual.  She helps her clients see past their fears, close the gap between their alter ego and their incomparable self, and own their genius. And they're free to show up in all quadrants of life - powerfully, boldly, authentically.


This programme is inspired by the research from McKinsey that found the most effective female leaders have a well of physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual strength that drives personal achievement and in turn inspires others to follow.

Only the number of women losing themselves in corporate life; feeling like a fraud, becoming sick and burning out is rising rapidly.

Vital Leaders is a new approach for strong and capable women to lead authentically without compromising on integrity or endangering their wellbeing by equipping them to step into their courage and speak up, break through barriers and succeed at life. 


Busy Woman's Guide To Stop Feeling Like A Fraud

Welcome to the most comprehensive digital programme to owning your genius and creating unshakeable confidence. 

This course is the only programme of its kind that not only shows you exactly how to let go of your fears and challenges, but how to then create the life and career you dream of.


A step by step approach to becoming the woman you're destined to be.

If you're ready to feel confident and courageous, healthy and strong, happy and full of potential.

Show up.  Take action.  Get excited.  Be you.



A programme for those who want the ability to bounce back and try again with more wisdom, allowing you to handle and learn from set-backs and challenges instead of internalising them as another failure.

It quickly rewires your thinking so you can overcome challenges sooner; like how to have confidence and trust in yourself and thrive.