Happy December!
The world is changing faster than ever before, and as women, we are being called to rise, to evolve, and to step into something bigger. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it. If you’ve felt that pull, whether it’s a whisper or a roar, trust yourself and know it’s time to pause, reflect, and realign with your next steps as we move into 2025.
Autumn is a great time to recharge, rediscover and thrive!
I used to live in Perth, Western Australia. I was right on the coast and that part of Perth was built on sand dunes, meaning the hills were extremely steep. My daily workouts consisted of running along the beach and biking up and down those steep hills. And there was a particular hill that I wanted to conquer. First time I got a quarter of the way up before the wheels on my bike simply stopped turning. Eventually I made it half way up only this time when the wheels stopped turning I didn’t have any strength left in my legs and I fell off and just lay there too exhausted to get up. Eventually after a few weeks of failure, I made it to the top of that damned hill. And, once conquered, I could never allow myself to not bike to the top.
David Beckham once told me…
I used to live in Perth, Western Australia. I was right on the coast and that part of Perth was built on sand dunes, meaning the hills were extremely steep. My daily workouts consisted of running along the beach and biking up and down those steep hills. And there was a particular hill that I wanted to conquer. First time I got a quarter of the way up before the wheels on my bike simply stopped turning. Eventually I made it half way up only this time when the wheels stopped turning I didn’t have any strength left in my legs and I fell off and just lay there too exhausted to get up. Eventually after a few weeks of failure, I made it to the top of that damned hill. And, once conquered, I could never allow myself to not bike to the top.
You are exuberant!
Let’s talk about your nagging, bullying voice that can derail you and keep you quiet. If you’re afraid to pick up the phone and sell your services, your business will not grow. If you’re too anxious to stand up and present to a room full of people, or you can’t voice your opinion to your boss, your pathway to success is going to be slow and painful.
do you feel your failing on all levels?
We’re all doing the best we can, only I know how real the anxiety and overwhelm can feel and why I’ve written you a guide that will support you as you navigate through these uncertain times. It’s full of great strategies that are really easy to implement so you can live your best life even when it feels like the world is falling apart.
when your world turns upside down
Through every catalyst comes phases of recovery. In phase one; at a time when it’s difficult to hold a thought, or find the strength to get out of bed the most important thing you can do is just stop. Breathe. And then focus on the basics; family, food and fresh air. In phase two, it’s time to reclaim a semblance of your strength both physically and emotionally. In other words now is the time to focus on your vitality. To feel empowered when our world is spinning out of control takes small daily, consistent steps. It’s those steps that encourage us to get up, get dressed and live our best possible day – even when the world is changing so dramatically and we can no longer imagine what our future will hold.
is today the day you’re going to get found out?
From Buzz Aldrin to Kate Winslet to Maya Angelou – imposter syndrome has made them all doubt their talents and accomplishments. Buzz Aldrin, waiting for his turn to speak at a conference turns to the person next to him and says, “I don’t know what I’m doing here – all these other speakers have actually accomplished something – what have I ever done? Kate Winslet often talks about feeling like a fraud when she’s on set and the world changer Maya Angelou once said, “I’ve written 11 books and each time I think, uh oh – they’re going to find me out now! So if the first man on the moon, an Oscar winning actress and the highly accomplished and extraordinary Maya Angelou can suffer from imposter syndrome, then we are in good company.
the voice in your head that keeps you stuck
Let’s talk about your nagging, bullying voice that can derail you and keep you quiet. If you’re afraid to pick up the phone and sell your services, your business will not grow. If you’re too anxious to stand up and present to a room full of people, or you can’t voice your opinion to your boss, your pathway to success is going to be slow and painful.
do you consider yourself ambitious?
When you live with fears that you’re not enough or you’re going to get found-out, or you simply can’t acknowledge your achievements then you very quickly become overwhelmed and exhausted. When this happens your mental, emotional and physical health are compromised.
what’s the go-to food you turn to when tired or stressed?
When you live with fears that you’re not enough or you’re going to get found-out, or you simply can’t acknowledge your achievements then you very quickly become overwhelmed and exhausted. When this happens your mental, emotional and physical health are compromised.